Blacksmith's Beauty (River's End Ranch Book 19) Read online

Page 7

  “What?” Her very loud, incredulous reaction was everything he could’ve hoped for, even before she slapped her hands across her mouth. “What?” The question came out muffled a second time.

  He nodded, still grinning, satisfied that she understood the seriousness of this secret. “I’d taken dance classes for a few years with Ellie. Not ballet of course, but I knew the director.” He shrugged. “I was a quarterback at the time, so it was good to get some practice on my toes.”

  With her palm still pressed against her lips, Belle’s eyes traced his shoulders and his arms. Slowly, she nodded and lowered her hands. “Okay, I can see that. It’s just…wow. I mean, talk about the Christmas spirit. You just didn’t strike me as a dancer, is all.”

  Oh honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

  Instead though, Elf just nodded. “Your turn.”

  She must’ve known what he was asking, because Belle took a deep breath. “Alright, here goes. I…” She swallowed. “I don’t like fried cheese curds.”

  “What?” His jaw dropped as he shot upright. “Who doesn’t like cheese curds? They’re a national treasure! And you’re from Idaho! How do you—”

  “Shh!” She lowered her voice, and he liked the way she leaned forward, as if the secret was a big deal. “Keep your voice down. If I told anyone around here that I think they taste like chewy bits of hot paper dipped in Ranch dressing, I’d probably be tarred and feathered.”

  “You mean,” he asked, “you’re trusting me with a real secret?”

  She nodded solemnly, her dark eyes sparkling. “Yes. Don’t turn me in, please.”

  “Hmm. I’ll consider it.” He liked the way she mirrored his smile, so he leaned in further. “I should probably share equal ammunition, huh?”

  “You should.” She leaned in too.

  He looked to the left, at the counter where Kelsi was ignoring them while she wrapped silverware, and then to the right, out the large window. The coast was clear. “I think Bob’s omelets are gross.”

  Belle gasped theatrically and lunged across the table to press her fingertips to his lips. “Blasphemy! I don’t think I can protect you if they heard you say such a thing!”

  Her eyes were sparkling with the joke, but every single thought had skipped right out of Elf’s head the moment she touched his lips. His entire being was focused on the feeling of her skin against his, in such an intimate position. Unbidden, his hand reached up to take hers, to press it more firmly against his mouth. He wanted to flick his tongue out over her fingertips, to taste if they were salty from the onion rings, to see how she would react if he did.

  Maybe she saw all of that in his expression, because Elf knew the exact moment she realized their position. Her eyes went glassy, and her jaw slackened slightly, and he found himself hoping it was in desire. Because he very much desired her.

  A long moment passed until she blushed and looked away, tugging her hand back as she did so. He let go, reluctantly.

  As she settled herself back in the booth, toying with the spoon beside her plate, he watched her swallow. And then swallow again. Had she been as affected by their touch as he’d been?

  “So, um…” She swallowed a third time, then met his eyes. “I guess it’s my turn.”

  Elf couldn’t imagine what she was talking about. Her turn for what? His brain was still fizzling from that strangely intimate touch.

  “You know, for a secret? You told me two.”

  “Oh. Oh yeah.” He forced a small smile. “Okay. Lay it on me.”

  She exhaled softly and stared at him. He wondered what she was thinking, and reached for the milkshake and the nearer straw in an attempt to act nonchalant. Suddenly, Jaclyn’s comment about Belle’s “reign being over” popped into his head. Maybe the old woman had said “rain”, or maybe she was referring to something else, but Elf suddenly knew that—if he let her—Belle could rule his heart.

  “I love Elvis.”

  Her comment, coming as it did right on the heels of his realization, had him choking on the chocolate ice cream. I love Elvis. Already? They’d only known each other a few days! How could she possibly—


  When he met her faintly amused expression, he realized she meant Elvis Presley. Not Elvis Redfern.

  He hurried to swallow the offending mouthful of milkshake. “You do?” His voice came out a little higher-pitched than usual. “The singer?” he asked, as if he didn’t know exactly who she was talking about.

  As if he hadn’t spent hours over the last months chatting about the man with his online friend.

  She enthusiastically nodded. “I love his music, his showmanship…I love how he revolutionized music and sex appeal! And it doesn’t hurt that he was so easy on the eyes.”

  “Yeah,” he managed. “Must be those dreamy cheekbones.”

  She startled. “What?”

  “Uh…” He tried to think what his friend Queenie had said. “I just meant that he’s considered handsome.” By every female with a pulse.

  She cocked her head to one side, her long honey hair flowing over one shoulder. “He was part Cherokee Indian, you know.”

  He flashed a weak grin. “Yeah, I’ve heard that.”

  “So anyhow, that’s my secret. I guess it’s not a great one, but—”

  “It’s perfect.”

  Her brows shot up. “Perfect? Why?”

  He took another sip of the milkshake to try to recover from the shock of her claim. Then he cleared his throat. “Because Elf is just my nickname. You never asked me my real name.”

  Her dark eyes—perfect against her honey skin—were wide. “What’s your real name?” she whispered.

  “Elvis O’Connell Redfern.” He relished the way her eyes opened even further, and grinned. “I was named after my mother’s grandfather. No relation to The King, but it wasn’t an uncommon name back then in the south.”

  “Your name really is Elvis?” she breathed reverently. “That’s…” Her tongue flicked out over her lips. “That’s serendipitous.”

  Did she not believe him? “And he’s one of my favorite singers.”

  “Okay, that I don’t believe.” She pointed an elegant finger his way. “I happened to confess my love for a singer from my grandparents’ generation, and you say you’ve got the same name. Highly coincidental, but whatever. But I don’t believe that you share that love too.” Her lips were quirked in such a way that he couldn’t tell if she was trying not to smile, or trying to hide her hurt.

  Only one thing to do to convince her.

  He grinned his most charming grin and slid to the edge of the booth. It was the Friday before Christmas, and Kelsey’s Kafé was pretty busy, with guests and regulars and ranch employees. Still, when he stepped into the cleared space between their booth and the counter, and raised one arm over his head and hooked the other thumb on his belt, everyone quieted.

  He lowered his chin until he was staring at the floor, gave a secret grin, and rested all of his weight on one leg. When he cocked the other leg, and gave three knee pops to get the rhythm, he heard Belle gasp, and knew she’d recognized Elvis Presley’s iconic pose.

  Elf took a deep breath, tightened his cheeks in the way that helped him win all those karaoke contests, and began to croon.

  “Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising,” he sang, and heard her squeal. Slowly, he lifted his chin until he was staring at her as he sang the next lines. “Higher and higher, it’s burning through to my soul.”

  Both of her hands covered her mouth now, and her eyes were wide in surprise and delight.

  “Girl, girl, girl, you’re gonna set me on fire, mmmmyeah.”

  She dropped her hands to mouth the next line with him. “My brain is flaming, and

  I don't know which way to go!”

  He sang for all he was worth, the café silent—or was everyone in shock?—around him. He might not look enough like Elvis to win any impersonator contests, but he sure as heck could sound like The King. Years of chorus prac
tice, years of watching old online videos of Elvis’s performances…he knew exactly how to mimic Elvis.

  And judging from the thrill on Belle’s face, she appreciated him making a spectacle of himself. In fact, she even clapped her hands excitedly when he did the spin and went up on his toes—only possible thanks to the cowboy boots he wore when he wasn’t working—with his knees bent and his pelvis thrust in the iconic move.

  “Your kisses lift me higher, like the sweet song of a choir! You light my morning sky with burning love!” He wouldn’t mind kissing her, not one bit.

  And then, when he pursed his lips and sang the “Ooh, ooh, ooh” part, she actually let out a little scream. A happy one, he knew, judging from the flush in her cheeks and the excitement in her smile. ”I feel my temperature rising…” Had he ever made a woman scream before? He lifted the left side of his lips in Elvis’s snarled smile, pumped his hips twice, and Belle put the back of her hand to her forehead and pretended to faint.

  It was the most fun he’d ever had, singing for her. There might’ve been twenty other people in the café, enjoying Bob’s menu, but he was singing just for her. Even if half of his audience joined in on the ”Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love” chorus, he was singing—and dancing—just for her.

  And when he ended in the same pelvis-thrust that he began with, she was bouncing up and down and clapping. Elf’s chest heaved as he fought for breath, and his pulse pounded with excitement. The thrill coursing through him was like nothing he’d experienced before—on stage or off.

  “That was incredible!” She’d slithered out of the booth, and when she threw herself at him, he gladly wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve never seen anything so amazing!” She was quivering with excitement. “You looked exactly like him, Elf! Ohmigosh, oh my gosh, that was the most wonderful thing!”

  And he couldn’t help himself; he lifted her off her feet and spun her around. She just fit against him so perfectly, even holding her off the ground like this. Her smile made his heart soar, and when she snaked her arms around his neck and began to play with his hair, his heart started to pound even faster.

  Maybe she felt it too, because she suddenly stiffened, and he had no choice but to let her slide down his body and stand on her own feet. She didn’t let him go though…in fact, she tugged on his hair slightly to get him to lean down, and when he did…

  She kissed him.

  It was…incredible. He’d kissed other girls, sure, but this one? This was probably the most amazing kiss in the history of kissing, as far as Elf was concerned. He wrapped his arms around her again and threw himself into the sensation.

  A noise finally broke through the incredible sensation of her lips against his, and the taste of salt and honey. It was cheering. The rest of the people in the café were clapping and cheering and hooting. Because of the kiss? No, Elf ran back over the memories of the last several minutes. They’d been cheering since he’d finished his song, but he’d only had eyes—and ears, and lips—for Belle.

  Kelsi waddled over to them both and threw her arms around their shoulders. “That was awesome, Belf! Thanks for the entertainment.” She winked at Belle, and Elf suddenly wasn’t sure if the pregnant waitress meant his singing, or the kiss. “Please tell me that you’re going to Christmas karaoke tonight at the restaurant?”

  “We are,” he assured her. “But it’s Belle’s first time karaoke-ing.”

  “You’ll love it!” she assured Belle. “Elf’s won karaoke contests and everything.”

  Belle blinked, then smiled up at him. “I can see why.”

  Staring down at her, Elf suddenly wanted to get out of there, to get her alone. To see her eyes sparkle in excitement just for him, to hear her thoughts on his performance. To maybe kiss her again.

  He fumbled for his wallet. “Here, Kelsi, I think we’re done.”

  She waved dismissively. “After that show, Belf, and that much fun, lunch is on me.” Before he could thank her, she continued. “Where are you two lovebirds off to now?”

  Elf flushed and glanced at Belle. His heart was still racing from the thrill of the performance and the kiss, and from the way she was glowing, he guessed it was the same for her. “I took the afternoon off at the smithy to hang out with you, Belle.” She smiled and he felt part of his chest tighten. “I did tell Miranda that we’d go pick up the cookies for the karaoke for her this afternoon.”

  “Miranda at the bakery?” Belle asked.

  Kelsi answered for him. “She’s new this Christmas, Belf.” That stupid nickname was going to get old fast. “Well, she’s been here since this time last year, but this is her first official Christmas here. She’s made thousands and thousands of cookies for all of the events.”

  “Oh! I was wondering about all the cookie additions to the festivities this year!”

  “Yep,” Kelsi nodded, one hand resting on her bulging belly. “I heard that she’s making Peanut Butter Blossoms for tonight.”

  Elf perked up. “Wait, really? I just had them for the first time at Jaclyn’s. They’re really good.”

  “Yeah,” Kelsi grinned. “A little birdy—or bunny—might’ve mentioned that to Miranda, which is why she’s making them for tonight. To say thank you for you being in charge of picking up the cookies and setting them up at the restaurant.”

  Elf’s smile grew at the thought and he offered his arm to Belle. “Well then, Miss Kalani, will you do me the honor of an escort to the bakery in Old West Town?”

  Belle was wearing one of those long flowing skirts he liked so much, and she grabbed it and sunk into a deep—surprisingly perfect—curtsy. “Why certainly, Mr. Redfern. I’d be delighted.”

  Kelsi waved goodbye as Belle tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow, and he led her towards the door.

  As he did, the song lyrics kept pounding in his head—and his heart.

  Your kisses lift me higher, like the sweet song of a choir!

  Yeah, at that moment—blacksmith or not—he was definitely a hunk of burning love.


  Thank goodness Elf had had the sense to take the afternoon off, because Belle didn’t have any intention of letting him out of her sight. They’d picked up the Peanut Butter Blossoms from Miranda together, and taken them to the restaurant, where they helped Steve set them out on a long table by the windows. Then they’d taken a walk around the ranch, and ended up snuggling beside one another on one of the couches in the Main House, watching a movie beside the crackling fireplace, while the snow drifted down outside. They’d debated between a Christmas movie and an Elvis one—too bad Elvis had never made a Christmas movie!—and settled on his Blue Hawaii from 1961. She’d always choose a movie set in Hawaii, after all!

  And through it all, they kissed. It was… Belle had to sigh just thinking about it. Kissing Elf was glorious. In fact, just being with him was glorious. He was charming and fun and oh-so-sexy, and he liked being with her. Nothing in their time together had made Belle believe that he was only with her because of her looks, which was a change from every other man she’d dated.

  No, Elf liked her for her. He asked about her opinions, and laughed at her stories of her family and Tootles and crazy Aunt Jean, and shared Elvis Presley trivia with her. Of course, she knew most of it already; hanging out with Hunk online meant that she was an expert at obscure Elvis trivia, so she held her own with Elf. And for the first time since meeting Hunk online, she was spending time with a man in real life who liked her for herself, and not her looks.

  As Elvis Presley sang and surfed on-screen, Belle sank into Elf’s arms. He made her feel warm and safe. She focused her attention on their boots, resting side by side next to the couch, as they curled their legs up on the cushions. Seeing him in those red cowboy boots had been a surprising contrast to his usual heavy work boots, but they were fitting. She wondered if he would’ve been able to do those amazing moves in the café without the boots. Smiling, she suddenly remembered visiting Heidi’s General Store earlier in the week, and tho
ught of the perfect ornament to get Elf for Christmas.

  Would he do any more of those moves at Christmas karaoke tonight? She thought of what Kelsi had said about Elf winning karaoke contests, and could understand why. He was a dead ringer—in voice, at least!—for The King. The realization made her think of Hunk again, and how proud he was of his karaoke wins. Did he sing Elvis songs too? Maybe tonight she could get online and ask him…and tell him about how much fun she was having with Elf Redfern at River’s End Ranch.

  No, wait, not tonight. She had a date during the time they usually chatted online. Tomorrow night? No, that was Christmas Eve. Belle sighed and snuggled closer to Elf. Oh well, maybe she’d just pop online at a random time to see if he was there. But why was she thinking about Hunk at all, when she was in Elf’s arms? And when he pulled her closer and lowered his lips to hers, she forgot all about Hunk…

  Later that evening they entered the restaurant hand-in-hand. Being with Elf made her feel comfortable…right up until the moment that she heard a familiar laugh, and looked up to see Faith and the rest of her family sitting around a table near the big open area used as a stage.

  Uh-oh. Daddy had noticed her, and said something that caused Mom to turn around and pierce her with a glare. Belle self-consciously untangled her fingers from Elf’s. Could Mom see what she’d been doing with him? Did Belle look as well-kissed as she felt?

  She sighed. “I think I’d better go say hello to my family.”

  Elf seemed to understand that she needed to do this alone, just in case Mom got snippy. “That’s cool. I’ll go touch base with Miranda to make sure the Peanut Butter Blossoms got set up okay.” He nodded towards a table in the corner. “I’ll ask Steve to sit us over there.”

  Swallowing, Belle nodded. Being at a table alone in the corner with Elf sounded like an awesome way to cap off a great day with him…but the look in her mother’s eyes told her that she would have to defend that choice.

  She forced a smile as she approached her family’s table. “Hi, guys.” Tootles had been lying quietly between Faith and Mom, and jumped to his feet when he heard Belle’s voice. Her smile turned genuine as she watched the pig’s happy little bounce. “I didn’t realize you’d be karaoke-ing tonight.”


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